Monday, February 20, 2006

The Historical-Critical Nuclear Method

Forget the military strikes, the trade boycotts, the economic “arm-twisting” and the special intelligence … I have an idea of dealing with Islamic fundamentalism that will either cause a more peaceful world or cause Islam to go into a massive civil war within itself.

If the recent events concerning cartoon pictures of the prophet Mohammed, flushing Korans and even “tossing” Korans have convinced you that the majority of the world’s Muslim population are somewhat “touchy” when it come to their faith in the Islamic holy scriptures and are just waiting for the opportunity to strike at anyone (including a fellow Muslim) for knocking the “fundamentalist stick” off their shoulders then, brother, have I got an idea for you!

Yes, I now know exactly how the Western World can completely destroy the current crop of Muslim extremists and Islamic fundamentalists from ever having any effect upon the world in which we live.

Yes, I suggest to you that we introduce the Historical-Critical Method of Scripture research to the Islamic study of the Koran.

Check this paragraph out:

“Modern higher criticism is just beginning to be carried out on the Koran. This scholarship questions some traditional claims about its composition and content, contending that the Koran incorporates material from both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, and that the text of the Koran developed both during and after Muhammad's lifetime. For example, Islamic history records that Uthman collected all variants of the Koran and destroyed those that he did not approve of.”

Think of what happened in this country with the introduction of the historical-critical method of Biblical criticism and what it could mean to Islam.

1) Fundamentalists were driven to the fringe of Christian society.

2) Biblical scholarship flourished and the Scriptures were opened up to mass Christendom.

3) Conservative Christianity abandoned slavery, polygamy, inequality, feudalism, and the Old Testament ethic of “an-eye-for-an-eye”.

4) Christianity grew at a phenomenal rate across the world.

5) Humility and tolerance became an effective attribute to employ with our cooperation with other believers and with our witness to non-believers.

And what if all the Islamic fundamentalists simply decide to yell, “Infidel” and begin hacking away at all the scholars and professors that they disagree with?

Then the Muslims will simply have to make them trustees.

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