Saturday, February 12, 2005

Oxford Trip 2004 X: Edinburgh Castle

I realized this weekend that I haven’t posted any Oxford 2004 pics in a few months. Not posting for months … I am starting to resemble Madison (just kidding).

So here is Edinburgh Castle finally. It took me nearly three months to get here, didn’t it?

Now I have finally entered the castle.

Inside one of the castle rooms there is a model of the entire castle. Not bad for a bunch of Scotsmen.

You can see to the lower left a model of the open square. This is where the Scottish army marches. The day we visited the Scots were constructing stadium sized bleachers for a concert. The advert mentioned James Taylor, Tom Jones, and Cliff Richards.

I like them all but I much prefer Cliff Richards.

Here is a wonderful view of the city from the castle.

And another nice view.

Here is the armaments room of the castle. I only seem to remember two things about this room: 1) Oliver Cromwell housed his troops here and 2) there was a wonderful breeze from an open window that kept me in the room long after the novelty had worn off.

I posted this pic again for the expressed purpose of playing this song. I hope I do not get kicked out of seminary for this.

Again, sorry it took so much time to get here. I’ll try to be better. Next time, my favorite place on earth.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Hehe...nice jab at Madi Pie there...