Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I don’t like politics. I find it’s a highly ineffective way of reaching Kingdom goals. It disturbs me when Christians focus so much upon it. It grieves me to see non-Christians who invest so much in politics as to make it their religion. It annoys me that everything from economics, to art, to food, to weather, to crime, to football must be politicized in order to advance particular agendas.

At the same time, I’m very interested in how people think, how they arrive at their conclusions, and why they believe what they believe. I find politics and people’s reaction to politics to be one of the best arenas in which to study these processes.

It’s like looking at a cluttered and disarrayed house through the window from outside. Politics is like people attempting to put the house in order by focusing on methods of cleaning the window. The methods proposed and the reaction to those methods tell you a lot about how people think and process information even if it doesn’t tell you much about cleaning the house.

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