Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Another Quick Thought

Just a word of advice.

If we are really trying to stop various forms of abortion in this country ...
If we really do believe that human beings are created in the image of God and that we should protect the unborn because they share the same value as the born ...
If this issue is not about politics and political parties and liberal vs. conservative agendas ...
If we really want to change the minds of liberals and particularly liberal Christians into stepping up to the plate to help conservative Christians abolish various forms of abortion ...

Then when a well-known and influential liberal Christian and politician advocates the evil of abortion let us not criticize him for not stepping up sooner.

When liberal believer Jesse Jackson came to the support of Terry Schiavo, many of us applauded because we were quite shocked that the rest of liberal Christendom were keeping silent. I do not remember too many conservatives begin to criticize Jackson for his support of abortion at that moment. No, we welcomed his support because we wanted to save Terry Schiavo's life and wished to have the support of anybody willing to offer it. At the silence of other liberal believers, we welcomed such support from someone we hoped would galvanize the rest of Christendom to the plight of the poor and the weak.

Therefore, when a well-known and influential liberal Christian and politician advocates the evil of abortion let us not criticize him for not stepping up sooner. We need to thank him, praise him and applaud his service towards the plight of the poor and the weak.

If we simply criticize him for not stepping up sooner, we tend to be observed to be more interested in scoring politcal points than advocating the issue.

I thank and applaud President Carter as a brother in Christ and I wish him all the best. I hope he continues to voice his displeasure of abortion and that more liberal believers join him.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good word...