Russell Dilday (b. 1930) - former president of XXXXXXXX Seminary and the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
Today is the day in which we remember the time when President Russell Dilday was fired from his esteemed position because he did not support the political movement of the Southern Baptist Convention.
You can read all about this in his latest book, Columns: Glimpses of a Seminary Under Assault.
But today let us take time to remember all those believers who have been fired by their brothers and sisters in Christ because they didn't tow the line.
Matthew 13:24-30
"Today is the day in which we remember the time when President Russell Dilday was fired from his esteemed position because he did not support the political movement of the Southern Baptist Convention." you don't happen to think his political anti-SBC rallies held on Southwestern campus had anything to do with it?
Anti-SBC or anti-SBC leadership? Those are two different things.
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