I’ve often noted
that people confuse the concepts of Joy and Happiness. God, who is the author
of all things, created a distinction between Joy and Happiness in humans. Too
often, humans will experience Happiness in the wrong things and consider it Joy.
People can be Happy that some event has occurred and falsely associate it with
the Joy that life can offer.
Christian Joy is
not synonymous with any form of Happiness to which most people are accustomed. True
Joy – Christian Joy - is Happiness with Truth. With Truth. It is Happiness in
the knowledge that one is in sync with the reality of the universe, i.e., God.
Indeed, it is often a Happiness that exists even in times of persecution, suffering, and
death because it is grounded in the reality of God.
Happiness without
Truth is ultimately joyless. It is usually deceitful. It is frequently
consummation of all one thinks they want followed by bitter disappointment. It
is like finally dating that one person you’ve always wanted to date only to
realize that the initial Happiness is followed by pain, disappointment, and sometimes
the realization that it was never meant to be. And it was never meant to be
because it was never grounded in reality to begin with. One problem is that
people associate love with emotion and lust (or sexual attraction) … but not
with Truth. Truth is just as an important factor in love as emotion and sexual
attraction. The Truth of who we attach ourselves to – whether it conforms to
the Truth of reality – is just as important as the emotion and sexual attraction
involved. Someone might say, “I love this person.” To that I say, “Good. You
are supposed to love that person. You’re supposed to love everyone. But how you
are to express that love depends upon the Truth of reality and not solely upon subjective
emotions and sexual attraction.”
In the same way,
Happiness without the Truth is fleeting because it is without foundation,
without Truth. It is a lusting for life but not a connection to the reality
that is life’s foundation (apologies to Iggy Pop: good song). It is sucking on
the foam but not drinking in the latte … and then being angry and disappointed
that the coffee doesn’t taste that good. Unfortunately, most people in such a
situation do not respond with self-reflection and repentance but a further,
bitter fist-shaking at reality, characterizing it as society being constructed
against them.
Thus, Happiness
without Truth is joyless and ends in bitter disappointment. Christian Joy is
Happiness with Truth that endures even in persecution, suffering, and a society
constructed against Truth.